what kind of spy are you?

there are many tpyes of spys used for lot of joobs to do with the same thing. like a LAB spy. what is a spy? they are a gang of humans with morden inventions and underground HQ. they have to track down robots bombs and stuff.

what tpye of spy are you? do you have the gut of a undercover spy? or perhaps a tie fit for a leader spy? until now you could only wonder but thanks to this great quiz in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: phoebe

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. your great but you can be a bit....
  2. then again your ace because your....
  3. your hidden talent is....
  4. your motto is....
  5. your dream job is....
  6. you like to see yourself as....
  7. you hate....
  8. you seem to be the only one to understand....
  9. do watch the simpsons?
  10. whats your fave tpye of book?
  11. whats your fave era in history?
  12. what does water man to you?

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Quiz topic: What kind of spy am I?