What kind of Law Enforcement are you?

This quiz is just for fun please dont take it serious. I see a lot of people all the time interested in what the police are doing but then hate the cops. I also see a lot of people that want to be cops but dont have the skills or time.

I made this quiz really because I was bored and had nothing better to do. So take this quiz if your really bored and have nothing better to do. Find out want kind of Law Enforcement level your are at It will be fun just try it.

Created by: Andrew
  1. Whats you favorite color?
  2. Whats your favorite car?
  3. Whats your favorite animal?
  4. What is your favorite fast food resturant?
  5. What is your dream job?
  6. What is your bedtime?
  7. What is your favorite t.v. show
  8. What is your favorite band/Singer
  9. Do you like the show COPS?
  10. Do you listen to a Police Scanner, or run outside when the police are by your house?

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Quiz topic: What kind of Law Enforcement am I?