What kind of Howrse Player are you? Find out here!

This Quiz specifies what kind of Howrse (go to Howrse.com and register! It's fun!) player you are and how to be one. This Quiz is not the only one on the subject, but at least it's different!

You may have taken this kind of Quiz before, but this one is hopefully the most fun. Copy the HTML link and put the results on your Howrse Page to show off your results!

Created by: alaskye (on Howrse.com)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your favorite horse has been stolen somehow. How do you react?
  2. Why do you report people?
  3. A new player asks you how to have fun on Howrse. How do you respond?
  4. Why do you play Howrse?
  5. What's your best horse?
  6. If Howrse asked you, "Be a Mod", how would you react?
  7. Someone really offends you by calling you a really bad name and chain mailing you and ALL the stuff that isn't allowed. How do you react?
  8. You like to...
  9. Which Ice Cream flavor do you like best?
  10. Your favorite coat color?

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Quiz topic: What kind of Howrse Player am I? Find out here!