what kind of guy is your type

Lots of girls want to know what kind of guy they are drawn to. The kind of guy that will be perfect for their personality. There has been so many relationships that have gone downhill because of the compatiblity being off.

So what is the right guy for YOU?? Is he that helpless romantic or the best freind that has been hiding in the shadows for years?? Maybe this quiz will help you out!

Created by: myia

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your idea of fun
  2. ok there is a HUGE party at a freinds house while their parents are gone and its a costume party...what do you go as??
  3. a guy asks for your number you....
  4. you are at a school dance..your best freind is liking the way your crush moves...what do you do??
  5. would you rather spend your friday night...
  6. what guy is more your type??
  7. you have been in a relationship for a month and your really not feeling him anymore..you...
  8. if you had 1000$ to spend only in ONE store which one would it be
  9. last question...all time favorite movie???
  10. ok i lied...this is the last one;) which type of musik???

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Quiz topic: What kind of guy is my type