What kind of guy are you into

This quiz will show you what kind of guy you are into after this you should totally go out there in the big wide world and pick out your dream guy! But this is just a fun educational guess so it might not work out

Bad boy, good boy, romantic, mushy, caring guy can’t decide? Then you should totally take this quiz then you can take other quizzes to see if they match up the go out their find your dream guy get married By: Lizzie

Created by: Lizzie greenbush
  1. What is your favorite color
  2. What kind of guy are you into
  3. At your wedding what would your dream guy do
  4. What would your first date be like
  5. Are you a male or female
  6. Where do you like to be
  7. What hairstyle do you like
  8. What do you first notice on a guy
  9. What do you think is most important about a man/woman
  10. What are you

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Quiz topic: What kind of guy am I into
