What kind of fantasy fighter are you?

Welcome to the "What kind of fantasy fighter are you?" Quiz! This quiz is designed to assess your decisions and determine what kind of fighter you would be in a fantasy realm.

This quiz will have you imagine multiple scenarios, leading you through an intense battle. Based on your choices, you will be assigned a type of fantasy fighter.

Created by: Nic0
  1. Imagine you are in a fantasy world and you are planning out a huge battle with your allies, what would be the ideal place for you to fight?
  2. You are now going to battle, which weapon do you bring with you?
  3. Let's take a short break from imagining things, how would your friends describe you?
  4. Are you a planner or do you like to wing it?
  5. When confronting an enemy do you like to face them head on or attack from the shadows?
  6. Back to imagining things! A merchant offers you three cloaks. A cloak of invisibility, a cloak of speed, and a cloak that is indestructible. Which one do you choose
  7. Are you resourceful?
  8. Do you trust others easily?
  9. Imagine that you are standing in an alley, waiting for a friend when suddenly you hear footsteps. These footsteps do not sound like your friend and they sound like the steps of a strong foe. What do you do?
  10. Are you ready to see your results?

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Quiz topic: What kind of fantasy fighter am I?
