What kind of Cat are you?

Of all the kinds of cats, big and small, have you ever thought of which one you would be if you were a cat? Based on traits and other personal choices, this quiz will answer your question; which cat are you at heart?

What kind of cat are you at heart? A wild one, a domestic one, a small one, a large one? Take this interesting and fun quiz and find out within minutes!

Created by: Rebecca

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  1. Are you more of an outdoor or indoor person?
  2. Which do you prefer?
  3. Do you fear fire, challenges, or enemies?
  4. Choose the strongest trait you have from the list below:
  5. In the position of a cat, what would be your choice of hunting?
  6. How big is your appetite regularly?
  7. Which would you rather be as a cat?
  8. About how tall are you?
  9. What type of place do you live in/near? (Not thinking as a cat, but actually where YOU live currently, or are moving to soon)
  10. What would you want to be your best defense/escape mechanism?
  11. How social are you?
  12. How would you describe yourself best?
  13. Which of these foods do you enjoy most?

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Quiz topic: What kind of Cat am I?