What kind of breakfast are you?

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Have you ever wondered what kind of breakfast food you are? Well probably not but now you probably are because of me influencing you with this paragraph. You can find out if you are a waffle, a pancake, French Toast, eggs, or toast!

Which are you though? The only way to find out is by taking the quiz! Don't worry it isn't boring and it is perfectly safe. Oh and before I forget answer how you want. Like on some questions it has things that refer to food not humans so answer how you wish.

Created by: angrysquirelgirl
  1. Does fashion Matter?
  2. Are you salty?
  3. Are you good at time management?
  4. Do you like waffles?
  5. Opinion on butter
  6. Is this quiz making you hungry?
  7. Breakfast is the most important part of the day True or False
  8. How do you greet people?
  9. What's Up?
  10. Why are you taking this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What kind of breakfast am I?