what kind of bender are you

Are you a bender,do you have the skill or ability to manipulate an element?if you do,do you want to know what element you can bend?then take this short quiz and find out.

The result of the quiz is based on the way you answered the question.you may or may not luke the result but its your result whether you liki it or not.but after sometime you might get to like your element.

Created by: victor
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your fav colour?
  2. You are in a fight with a bully,what do you do?
  3. Which of these symbols do you like
  4. What is your fav sport
  5. Which of these places do you like most
  6. Who is your fav character
  7. Which element do you prefer,(this does not affect the results)
  8. You are walking on your own and you see a wounded dog,you
  9. How can you describe your self
  10. Are you happy the quiz is over

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Quiz topic: What kind of bender am I