What Kind of Animal are You?

Do you know what animal you are? well here's your chance ot find out! Take this simple Quiz and you can find out what kind of animal you are! It's fun and enjoyable. Tell all your friends about it too. It's a fun way to learn about things!

This 12 Question Quiz will help you decide which animal you are. It will tell if you're either smart or stylish. It's a Quiz for boys and girls any age. It may change the way you feel about yourself. So take the Quiz and in just minutes you will find out which animal you are!

Created by: jessica
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you were to ever throw a party, what kind would you throw?
  2. Your parents are letting you re-decorate your room. What color will you choose?
  3. Your Grandparents are letting you go on a shopping spree. What store will you spend most of your money on?
  4. Your aunt is going to take you to a concert. Who would you like to see?
  5. You are asked to pick a course for school. What subject will you choose?
  6. Your boyfriend is a total weirdo. You break up with him by?
  7. Your boyfriend breaks up with you. How do you take it?
  8. Your friend thinks you're?
  9. You want to sign up for an after school club. Which will you choose?
  10. Your Parents are letting you pcik one place to go to for 2 months. Which one will you choose?

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Quiz topic: What Kind of Animal am I?