What kind of Anarchist are you?

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Are you interested in Anarchism but don't know how yiu apply? Take this quiz and figure out how you may fit into the movement and what you should look into.

This test will ask you questions about how you feel about certain political topics and then analyse them to figure out where you most likely would be in the Anarchist tradition.

Created by: Camden
  1. Who's your favorite Anarchist out of these?
  2. How should the economy work?
  3. How should Anarchists organize?
  4. What is the most important cultural issue for Anarchists to focus on right now?
  5. What do you think about wages?
  6. Is the ecological crisis a social crisis?
  7. Should we set up worker's councils to organize the workers of a community?
  8. Should we use eco-terrorism to secure animal rights?
  9. Should Nationalism or National Liberation be a part of the Anarchist movement?
  10. Should members of an Anarchist federation be held responsible for the federation they're a part and vice versa?

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Quiz topic: What kind of Anarchist am I?
