What kind of actuary are you?

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To become an excellent actuary, it takes more than just actuarial skills. Not only the development of soft skills is important, but also investing in networking, communication skills and personal visibility.

What kind of actuary are you? If you want to find out, just take the next 15 questions WKOAAY test. In about 5 minutes you'll know if you qualify as a 'wise actuary'.....

Created by: berkemeijer of Actuary Info
(your link here more info)

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your advice is denied and not discussed in the board. What do you do?
  2. You're being asked for an interview for the Financial Times. The interview is about your favorite subject. What's your answer?
  3. The board doesn't agree with your advice and asks you to revise it. Of record, you've been told by the chairman of the board, that if you don't revise, you'll have to resign. What do you do?
  4. The chairman of the board is not sure about the communication (brochure, proposal texts, etc) of a new product line. He asks you for help, to approve this new communication line. What's your response?
  5. Your invited to a 'once in a year' actuarial conference, including social after-party. What do you do?
  6. The chairman of the board tells you that one of the best actuaries of your department doesn't seem to understand the companies challenges. The chairman asks you to consider firing him. What's your response?
  7. How many external presentations did you give last year?
  8. The board asks you how (precisely) sure you are about your long term estimation of mortality rates and interest rates 50 years ahead. What's your answer?
  9. How many actuaries know who YOU are?
  10. How many board members are in your active personal network? (not counting managers)
  11. Besides your professional actuarial activities, do you participate in activities of other (social or educational) institutions.
  12. What's your average term of employment?
  13. If you have no employer and work on assignment, what's the average number of assignments per year?

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Quiz topic: What kind of actuary am I?