What Kind O Skater Are You ?

Okay there are nmad skaters out their and if u live in Amity District You know there arent alo of good skater except for my friends and me so lets c what kind of skater u are?

Do u no what the heck ur din as a skater or what people view u as when u tellem u skate well if u dnt jus take this and itll tell u what kind of skter u r

Created by: jordan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You come to academy how many times a week?
  2. You're skating a grind box You...
  3. How many Boards Can You Ollie?
  4. What do u look for in a Deck?
  5. Why Do u Like Skating?
  6. What Do u Wear?
  7. Whats Your Favorite?
  8. Your Favorite Skate Team?
  9. Favorite Shoes Brand?
  10. Worst Skate Place...

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Quiz topic: What Kind O Skater am I ?