What Killswitch Engage song are you?

I made this quizz to give to my friends, if you want to take it go ahead. and yes, Kse is a godly band, i dont care what you think, because your opinion is usless.

Do you even know who this band is? do you even know these songs? and if you know that Holy diver is a remake of dios holy diver then, well good job! I love you all, guys, in a completly non-sexual way, and girls, well it depends...

Created by: Mark Wainscott
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Out Of these set of Lyrics, Witch one most appeals to you?
  2. What instrament Do you play or wish you could play?
  3. Who is your Favorite member of the Band? (if you dont know them... why are you taking this test? but just fore those people i put the instraments they play too)
  4. Whats your Favorite color
  5. Whats your Favorite Band?
  6. What name do you prefer?
  7. What album name do you prefer?
  8. The Band was started by who?
  9. What is the bands name? dont look up, or you fail, remember only one of these answeres is right
  10. Well yeah i just needed questions to finish this, so yeah if any one dosent acctualy know me just take a guess at this one, witch one of the lusignan Sisters is a closest friend of mine
  11. Well yeah This is a gimme question who is the best band in the world

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Quiz topic: What Killswitch Engage song am I?