What Kentucky city should you live in

Take this quiz to help you choose a city in the wonderful bluegrass state or just fun :D Kentucky has tons of wonderful cities and this quiz will help you choose!!

Welcome to my quiz :) enjoy taking it! here's some history of Kentucky!! <3 Dr. Thomas Walker and surveyor Christopher Gist first explored the area now known as Kentucky in 1750 and 1751. The outbreak of the Seven Years War prevented further exploration until frontiersman Daniel Boone visited Kentucky in 1769 and recognized the potential of the area’s natural resources. In 1775, a group of settlers created the Transylvania Company with the purpose of settling the land between the Kentucky, Ohio and comeberland rivers.Working for the Transylvania Company, Boone forged the Wilderness Road over Kentucky’s comeberland Gap. The path led more than 200,000 settlers—including many Scotch-Irish and German migrants from western Pennsylvania, Maryland, North Carolina and Virginia—to Kentucky by the end of the century. Ft. Harrod was established in 1773, and Harrodsburg became Kentucky’s first permanent settlement in 1774. Boone also established the Boonesborough fort in his name.Virginia annexed Kentucky and made it a county of its colony in 1776. After the colonists won the Revolutionary War, Kentucky settlers began a separatist movement for independence from Virginia. On June 1, 1792, the Union admitted Kentucky as the 15th state.

Created by: Micheal
  1. How old are you?
  2. Political Views?
  3. Do you prefer Midwestern, Southern or Appalachian Vibes?
  4. Preferred city/town size?
  5. Any sport interests?
  6. Does diversity bother you?
  7. Are you religious? , if yes what are your views?
  8. Sexuality?
  9. Does crime bother you?
  10. Preferred landscape
  11. Can you live with high risk of tornadoes?
  12. Do you like a lot of choices of food?
  13. Do you like shopping centres, parks, museums, nightclubs or theme parks?
  14. Favourite type of weather?
  15. Any preferred house type house?
  16. Favourite type of car?
  17. Preferred way to travel
  18. Any region of Kentucky you would prefer

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Quiz topic: What Kentucky city should I live in
