What Keeper of the Lost Cities Character are you?

This quiz was a quiz made of boredom and a friend who loved this series. This may not be 100% accurate but it should give some sort of a recommendation of whom fits you best.

Each and every person is different and there are limited characters ... so you may not get a “perfect” or “great” match. The best answers come from how honest you want to be. Please Enjoy! And Have fun!

Created by: Book Worm
  1. What trait best describes you?
  2. If you were in a major “predicament” how would you handle it?
  3. If you like someone, and somehow they find out. how would you react?
  4. What means most to you?
  5. If you had to go somewhere that your gut says you must but you were told not to go, what would be your first step?
  6. What would be the hardest thing for you to go through?
  7. If you could have ONE of the talents listed below which would it be?
  8. Out of all the elvin Capabilities which would you work MOST on?
  9. Pick One!
  10. Pick a color.

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Quiz topic: What Keeper of the Lost Cities Character am I?

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