What Job Should You Have?

This is a quiz to see what you should be when you get a job. Sorry, but there are ONLY six results. They are: singer, actor/actress, teacher, doctor, food critic, and cheerleader/football player.

This is a quiz to see what you should be when you get a job. Sorry, but there are ONLY six results. They are: singer, actor/actress, teacher, doctor, food critic, and cheerleader/football player!

Created by: veryholy of this site
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You like to:
  2. Would you want a professional career? (As know as: being famous.)
  3. What does your name start with?
  4. What is your name?
  5. Which name sounds cooler?
  6. What do you want to be?
  7. Sorry, but are you a boy or a girl?
  8. What's your favorite color?
  9. How many people do you live with (not including yourself?)
  10. Bye! :)

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Quiz topic: What Job should I Have?