What job is right for you

Take this quiz to see what job you get. Make sure you rate ten when you are done. You will only get one out of four possible results so choose wisely.

The one out of four possible results that you may get will be. Doctor, soldier, firefighter, cop. Have fun taking the quiz and if you don't get what you want then don't take this seriously.

Created by: XXX_brian_XXX
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you find yourself doing a lot
  2. What do you want to be when you grow up
  3. Do you wanna be a doctor
  4. Do you wanna be a soldier
  5. Do you wanna be a firefighter
  6. Do you wanna be a cop
  7. Will you rate ten
  8. Will you comment
  9. What will you rate
  10. Bye

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