What is Your Wedding Style?

Do you want an extravagant Cinderella-style wedding or casual barbecue-on-the-beach celebration? Are you thinking in terms of elegant and classic, or colorful and casual? Take this quiz and find out your wedding style.

Before you can plan your big day, you need to know what type of wedding is right for you. Are you thinking in terms of elegant and classic, or colorful and casual? Determining the overall style of your wedding will help you make all of the other, smaller (albeit equally important) planning decisions, such as choosing a dress, hiring a caterer, picking the flowers and so on.

Created by: DramaCh1ck

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. When my guests see my wedding decor, I want them to think:
  2. My dream wedding location is:
  3. When you see your ideal wedding gown, it's:
  4. What is your color palette?
  5. When you imagine your dream bouquet, you see:
  6. Your favorite celebrity is:
  7. Your dream honeymoon includes:
  8. Your favorite fragrance is:
  9. Your favorite lip color is:
  10. How big a wedding do you want?

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Quiz topic: What is my Wedding Style?