What is your theriotype?

Hey! Welcome to my quiz! This quiz is made for the Therian but I think it is not very accurate! Oh and if you are not sure you are a Therian take my other quiz: "Real Therian Test".

Well! Are you a Feline, Canine, Bird, Reptile or Animal Sea! Find it quickly by taking my test! I repeat: this quiz is not 100% accurate, do not take it seriously! Oh and be a Therian is not a choice you can't become a Therian!! (Sorry in the answer I have make a mistake is not feline theriotype but bird theriotype!)

Created by: TogaHimikoisme
  1. What is your favorite animal?
  2. What do you like the most?
  3. Have you an animal?
  4. Now, let's talk about your personality... When you have a work in group what do you do?
  5. Your quality?
  6. Wich number is good for you in a friends group?
  7. What's your favorite food?
  8. What is your favorite activity?
  9. Did you like this quiz? (no effect)
  10. Ah and! if u can have other members what do you choice:

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Quiz topic: What is my theriotype?