What is your style? (girls)

Do you get sick of people saying that you are a tom boy or a girly girl and you dont think so? Take this quiz and figure out what you are so the comments can end or be true

So what are you? Trendy? A girly girl? A tom boy? Do you just not care? I hope this quiz will help you figure out what you are and if you shop at walmart or belk

Created by: Beverlyreagan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What are you more likely to wear?
  2. Your going to a super epic party with the popular girls tonight. They might pick another friend! You wear:
  3. There is a super cute new boy in school You heard that he likes girls with t shirts and jeans. Do you change just for him or do you stay the same?
  4. Your mom tells you you have to wear a dress today to your aunts funreal
  5. Would you want to be a model?
  6. Do you like to shop for clothes?
  7. Your mom gives you some money to buy anything type of clothing or jewlry. You buy:
  8. Your fav color out of these?
  9. Do you care about what you wear?
  10. Now no effect did you like this quiz?
  11. Also no affect i just ask you to comment and rate me as many stars as you can please 😄 thank you for taking

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Quiz topic: What is my style? (girls)