What is Your Political Stance?

This is a political test based on Mr. McGlashan's Attitude Inventory which contains questions that are based on the United States' political, social, and economic issues.

Take this test if you want to know where you stand on US politics! Are you a Liberal? Or a Conservative? Perhaps a Moderate? Why not find out here by answering the extensive list of questions to provide you with an accurate reading of your political stance.

Created by: amazon
  1. This is a Christian country founded on Christian beliefs, and it should stay that way.
  2. The big bang created the universe and humans came into existence through a natural process of evolution from simpler life forms over millions of years.
  3. It is not fair that religious students who can't afford private school must go to public school where religious classes are prohibited. Public schools should allow some religious instruction.
  4. American society and culture was better years ago than it is now.
  5. Homosexuality is not something that people choose; it is how some people are naturally oriented, so gay people should be accepted, respected and given full rights to be who they are.
  6. Homosexuality is a choice some people make to be something unnatural, and it should be discouraged.
  7. Abortion is wrong and the gov. should make them illegal for all women and doctors.
  8. Every woman in the nation should have the right to maker her own decision about whether or not to have an abortion. The gov. should not get involved in a woman's private medical decisions regarding her body.
  9. TV, movies and the internet are far too full of immoral sexual content, the looseness and vulgarity in our culture has become a significant problem, and we should use government policy to reverse the trend.
  10. The death penalty is wrong and should not be a punishment for any crime in America.
  11. People who live in homes with a gun are safer than those who live in homes without.
  12. Too many guns and a lack of gun regulations make this country less safe, and I want restriction put on gun ownership, including background checks, and limits on the most deadly guns and limits on how many bullets a gun clip can legally hold.
  13. Marijuana should be legal for recreational use.
  14. Black Americans regularly face discrimination and abuse from police in America for no fault of their own, but because of widespread racism among society and police officers.
  15. The US gov. should spend a lot more than it does on programs that help Native Americans living in the US to make up for what was done to them historically and how poor many of them still are.
  16. Racism was a problem in the US years ago, but it is not anymore.
  17. We need further gov. action to protect women from discrimination and to ensure that women are paid as much as men who do the same work.
  18. Undocumented immigrants do more harm than good in America, so they should be deported, and further immigration should be sharply limited.
  19. The vast majority of undocumented immigrants are working and contributing to society and therefore should be given some form of legal status and a path to becoming citizens. Immigrants have always made this nation stronger.
  20. Most people who have substantial wealth in the US have not really earned that wealth. More often they got their wealth through inheritance or the advantages and connections that were handed to them or they were born into.
  21. Most of the poor in this country are poor because they lack motivation and/or they have made bad decisions in their lives. Those who work hard and make good decisions, will get out of poverty. The poor mostly have themselves to blame.
  22. Pre-school should be made available for free to all Americans, even if it means higher taxes
  23. The federal government should maintain or increase spending on programs to help the poor, such as food stamps, unemployment insurance, TANF, and Medicaid.
  24. College should be free or almost free for all Americans who want to attend.
  25. Hydraulic Fracking should be banned in California.
  26. Labor unions are too strong in America. Unions are often corrupt; they make business inefficient, make it too hard to fire workers and they make products too expensive.
  27. There are too many government regulations that cost businesses money, such as safety regulations, environmental regulations, wage laws, building codes, and health care costs. Businesses in America are drowning in regulations that crush their chances of success.
  28. Governments should not limit how I can use my own private property - if I buy property with tree on it, I can cut that tree down if I choose. Environmentalists exaggerate the problems and create too many laws that hurt private property rights and the economy.
  29. Climate change is real, it is caused by human activity and industry, and our government should act boldly even if the actions cost money and slow economic growth in the short run.
  30. The Environmental Protection Agency is corrupt and creates pointless, over-burdensome regulations. Its funding and mandate should be cut.
  31. The rich should pay higher taxes to pay for programs that help the poorer people.
  32. Healthcare should be a right, not a privilege. The gov. should institute laws and programs to ensure that all Americans have health coverage. Single prayer or public healthcare systems are the fairest and most efficient.
  33. All food should be be grown organically and GMOS should be banned from the food supply.
  34. In order to deal with our nation's problems, the President should be given more power and have fewer restrictions placed on him by Congress or the Supreme Court.
  35. It is good that large companies have a lot of influence over government because what is good for American businesses is generally good for America.
  36. In order to protect the majority of the population in a dangerous world, sometimes we must deny criminals, foreigners, and terrorists some constitutional rights.
  37. Racist organizations like the KKK and the Nazis should not be allowed to spread their ideas at rallies or online, even if the don't act on their beliefs.
  38. Our society still needs affirmative action programs to give special consideration for admission to college and to jobs to women and minority groups who are disadvantaged because of a long history of discrimination.
  39. We live in a society with rigid class divisions, and the wealth dominate our politics.
  40. The media is controlled by the rich and large corporations, so we do not get the full stories about what is really going on, only the news that keeps us shopping and accepting the status quo.
  41. The mainstream media doesn't give us the full stories about what is going on because it is dominated by elitist, intellectual, liberals obsessed with political correctness.
  42. Corporations and wealthy individuals should not be able to give more than 2 thousand dollars to candidates running for office. Unlimited campaign contributions are corrupting our political system.
  43. All Americans should stand proudly and say the pledge of allegiance with their hands on their hearts and should follow along respectfully whenever the national anthem is played.
  44. US military spending should be cut significantly.
  45. America has a special place in the world above other nations and should use its military power to promote its ideals and interests abroad.
  46. Because modern weaponry is so destructive, America needs to be less quick to use military force and more willing to use diplomacy in solving international problems.
  47. Many of the wars in US history were not wars of necessity but rather were fought because some strong US interest group wanted to get something or wanted to protect some economic interest they had, such as oil.
  48. The US should not focus its international efforts through the United Nations because America must defend its own interests on its own - a strong UN is not in America's interest.

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Quiz topic: What is my Political Stance?