What is your political ideology 2? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What is your political ideology 2?

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  • Democratic Socialism, 0% Fascism, i approve

    Genny Bianco
  • Demarcatic socailsum for the win

  • Democratic socailsum for the win

  • Fascism is about the protection and preservation of a race and culture. But freedom doesn't let this happen and companies need to work for the greater or good of the nation.

  • as e lunatic said the definition you gave for anarchism is wrong. although i'm glad anarchism was at least included, unlike most tests. oh and to anyone wondering, i am an anarchist. i made my name anarchofascist just for the irony of the idea of a guy combining the two.

  • I am a consevative. I really don't like this quiz because it also said I was much fascist.That is really insulting! Conservatives are NOT fascists!

    Total Ponage
  • I am a marxist but am relgous

  • By the way, I agree with Stalin on stuff, but Marx believes in the State eventually withering away, and I believe in the exact opposite...so I don't really think I'm a Communist in that sense.

  • Communist

  • Your Result: Communist

    You are a beauracratic Communist. Your eventual goal is a classless society but you want a dictatorship to get there. You want a completely state-run economy and an authoritarian one-party system. Your favorite thinkers are Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, and Fidel Castro. You would probably not vote but if you did your candidate would possibly be Brian Moore.

  • Your Result: Anarchist

    Your are a free thinking Anarchist. You want a society with a direct democracy and no central government. You want everyone to communally own, work, and maintain all aspects of the economy, Collectivism. You achieve an Anarchist society through peaceful means like an Pacifist Anarchist or through terrorism like Social Anarchists and Individualist Anarchists. Your favorite thinkers are Jesus Christ, Mahatma Ghandi, Mikhail Bakunin, and Leo Tolstoy. You would probably not see your perfect candidate running for the Presidency 2008 but would probably vote either McKinney, Moore, Obama, Barr, Paul, or Nader.

    I noticed a few strange things about this result. First, the glaring error: I don't know a single anarchist who would agree that direct democracy is compatible with their beliefs. Also, you stated that anarchists support collectivism; this is only sometimes the case. Furthermore, I fail to see how individualist and social anarchists invariably resort to terrorist means-unless I misunderstand anarchist doctrine, these are umbrella terms which cover all of anarchism, and therefore a third group (pacifist anarchism) could not refuse this method, assuming that both of the aforementioned groups always prefer it (which is not true). Finally, anarchists DID have a candidate in 2008: the long-dead Guido Fawkes, whose election would have thrown the government into chaos.

    However, I must give you props for using proper grammar, for the most part. In that area, you were infinitely superior to most of what I see here.

    E Lunatic

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