What is your Oriflame fragrance?

Did you know that Oriflame works with some of the best and well known perfumers in the world. Some of them have also developed fragrances for Hugo Boss, Armani, Dior, Lancome and Lacoste for example. Why not try an Oriflame fragrance yourself?

Which of Oriflame's best selling fragrances are best suited to your personality? Are you a romantic? A dreamer? Or are you mysterious and enigmatic? Simply answer a few simple questions to get your result.

Created by: Cassie Goodson of Oriflame South Lakes
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which is your preferred Season?
  2. Choose a preferred flower
  3. What holiday destination suits you best?
  4. Choose your fashion style.
  5. What is your preferred music style?
  6. Pick one of these past times.
  7. What is your favourite type of movie?
  8. What would you most commonly drink on a Friday evening?
  9. Choose a car
  10. Which animal would you prefer or do you have as a pet?

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Quiz topic: What is my Oriflame fragrance?