What is your mental age?

Some people wonder if maturity can determine the personality of an individual. I believe it does. In this quiz, I ask questions that determine how old you act for your age.

So, how mature are you? Well, why don't we see. In just 12 simple questions, you can determine your mental age. Along with your score I include a paragraph about how YOUR maturity may result in your life reasonings.

Created by: Andrea Loften
  1. Out of these: Which do you find most amusing?
  2. Out of these: Which do you find most interesting
  3. At the mall, which store would you most likely shop at?
  4. Which is your favorite drink?
  5. Do/did you like school!
  6. What would one most likely find you doing with your friends?
  7. Do you like kids?
  8. What do you like watching on TV?
  9. Do you know what silhouette means? (Please answer honesty so your results will be more accurate. :) )
  10. What is your favorite meal?
  11. Thanks for taking this quiz! Please know that this may not be completely accurate, and it is just for fun. :) (this question will not effect your score) how did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What is my mental age?