What is Your Fruit???

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Fruits come in a different shapes and sizes. The point, is they all are very different from each other and so are we. Take this 10 question quiz to see which fruit you fall into, there are only a few fruits so answer honestly.

**Remember you're amazing the way you are this quiz is just for fun**don't sweat this and enjoy my 1st ever made quiz on GOTOQUIZ.COM :) :) :) :) :) :)

Created by: AndyRose
  1. how would your friends describe you?
  2. Introvert (inside) OR extrovert (outside) Person?
  3. what hobbie would you choose?
  4. solve: (2p+40)-(6p-3)if u cant it A-OKAYit will not affect u if u not learned algebra ;)
  5. What color do you prefer?:
  6. What is your sexuality (gay, straight, ect.)?** i am not against this, remember U are amazing the way U are UWU**
  7. How are you feeling right now?
  8. choose a number #:
  9. what your taste like in clothes??
  10. Ready for the results???

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Quiz topic: What is my Fruit???
