What Is Your Favorite Animal?

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There are a bunch of pets out there, but do you know which one is for you? I think this quiz just might help you figure it out...maybe. It might also show you that I know nothing about you! :D

Do YOU want to know which pet to have? Are YOU searching for a pet? Well come and find out! It will only be a few minutes of your time, anyways. I promise.

Created by: Ash
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the first thing you look for in a pet?
  2. Do you like to clean up after your pets?
  3. How often would you feed your pet?
  4. Would you cuddle your pet?
  5. Do you want a pet that will lick you and give you kisses?
  6. Do you want your pet to be able to learn their name?
  7. Do you want a pet that will scare your friends?
  8. Do you want a pet that doesn't need much attention?
  9. Do you like Music?
  10. Did you like the last question?

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Quiz topic: What Is my Favorite Animal?