What is your deepest secret?

This is 90% accurate quizz abt ur deepest secret, enjoy and plssssss share and/or enjoyyy and uh idk u better start it now...... byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Sorry if that paragraph is annoying but er so basically I've got a few questions to do with mental health ect and how u live, only I kinda personal question, anyways have funnn

Created by: Acorn_on_Pawz
  1. When was the last time you felt happy?
  2. R u a furry or anything of the sorts
  3. Pick one
  4. Is this fun
  5. Be honest
  6. This is my first quiz idkmif it will be good
  7. Have you had someone important to you d!e?
  8. Have u read warriors by erin huntyer
  9. I'm running out of questions
  10. Do u like school
  11. 4 more questions
  12. "Put your arm around her shoulder. Now im getting colder. And how could I h8 her shes such and angel but then again kinda wish she were dead as she walks by, what a sight for sore eyes, birghter thaan the blueee sky, she's got chu mesmorised while I dIEE, why would u ever kis me im not even half as pretty you gave me your sweater its jusst polyesterbut youmlike her better"
  13. *inhales* CUT MY LIFE INTO PIECES
  14. Do u do sh
  15. Do you believe Jesus died for us/ and existed
  16. Lastly do you have emotions
  17. Thanks 4 playing if it's not correct (the results) I'm sorry

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Quiz topic: What is my deepest secret?
