What is Your Angelic Aspect?

Angels are made of four aspects: they have the claws of the lion, the horns of the ox, the wings of the eagle and the shape of a human. But one aspect is always supreme, crowning over all the others.

The primary Aspect effects not just an angel's form but their personality and their view of life. Answer the following questions and discover which of the four Aspects is chief in your personality.

Created by: Steven Darlington
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you had wings you would:
  2. My favourite apostle is
  3. My favourite Beatle is
  4. The truth is
  5. My pet of choice is
  6. Given these four choices I'd listen to
  7. My favourite season is
  8. The Best Star Trek Captain is
  9. At a party I
  10. The Best Star Wars Movie is
  11. The time to strike is
  12. I need
  13. Truth or Dare?

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Quiz topic: What is my Angelic Aspect?