What is you NightWing name?

Ever read Wings of fire? Is your favorite tribe the NightWings? Seems like your going to need a name for your NightWing Oc! And luckily for you, this quiz can tell you what your name is!

You could be Allseeing, the seer; Souldtaker the assassin; MindReader the mind reader (lol); Peacbringer the, well, the peace bringer; Starrywings; or even Omniscient the Mind-reading seer!

Created by: Moonslayer
  1. Hi there! First things first, do you like to read?
  2. What was your favorite Wings of Fire book?
  3. Would you rather be a Mind Reader or a Seer?
  4. Be honest, do you lie more, or tell the truth more?
  5. Cats or dogs?
  6. Which tribe is the enemy to the NightWings?
  7. Do fights bother you?
  8. Uhm, I'm having a brain fart, sooo... ROPLAY TIME!!!!!
  9. Ok, Rp; Some dragon tries to grab you from behind, what do you do?
  10. Last question, what's ur favorite book series?

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