What Is the answer

I bet that you cannot under any circumstance get all the answers right! If you dare challenge me then I take no responsibility for your amount of random knowledge! GOOD LUCK

Do you think YOU can beat ME? I dont think you can! If you would like to challenge me to a battle of random knowledge then Gooooood Luuuucck to you!

Created by: Chameleon
  1. What is a frog?
  2. How many presidents have there been? (Including this one) (not including the 2 Grover Clevlands)
  3. What is Indiana's state bug? (Insect whatever.)
  4. When did Columbus discover America?
  5. What are Teddy Bears named after
  6. IS the famous cookie filled with cream spelled....
  7. Who was the 10th president?
  8. what is smarter dogs or Chimps?
  9. How many species of chameleon are there?
  10. What weighs more 10 pounds of brick or 10 pounds of feathers?

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