What human are you?

This quiz is about what kind of person are you. Remember, answer truthfully. Don't be ashamed, we won't judge you! C'mon, Kiddo! Oh, right...Plz don't be annowed, but...

If You are a WIERD LAZY FEMALE, work harder!You are a SUSSY, stop it, sussy baka!If You are a SPECIAL SMART MALE, you are likely to be sucessful! ULTRA ATHLETE, you love sports!

Created by: Creative A.Lee
  1. What's your favourite among below?
  2. Would you rather...
  4. D'ja go to the gym?
  5. Pick one:
  6. What awards have you won?
  7. Sex:
  8. Are you Christian?
  9. If you must say one of these hurtful words to your friends, what would U choose?
  10. Your favorite letter:

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Quiz topic: What human am I?
