What House MD Character Are You?

The characters of House MD are all unique but strangely beautiful. Their personalities clash, yet they are work as one excellent team. As controversial as House is, the characters are lovable and clever. Good job cast!! Which House MD character are you?!

People in this world are all very unique and none more so than the characters on House MD!! Every character is special and held as a favorite to someone. Which House character are you?

Created by: morgan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Would you help a stranger?
  2. Describe your eyes...
  3. A girl is being intimate with her brother, you...
  4. Do you take good care of your hair?
  5. If someone lied about you to your friend you would...
  6. Do you always obey authority?
  7. Have you ever been asked out when you didn't even know the person liked you?
  8. Your grades can be described as...
  9. Have you ever been outside the country?
  10. You are picked last for teams in gym, you...
  11. What is your day job?
  12. Your opinion on drugs is...
  13. House is...

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Quiz topic: What House MD Character am I?