What Holiday are you?

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We do not want to try to persuade you to do anything. But if you're interested in seeing what holiday you are in our minds, be my guest and try this quiz!

Do you think of others before yourself? Or are you only interested in you? You could take this quiz to discover your holiday in our eyes! Halloween, Thanksgiving and many more!

Created by: l Kiwi
  1. Your favorite type of Books are...
  2. You see $20 lying on the street. You...
  3. Your drink is...
  4. You get Money from your parents to take your girlfriend/Boyfriend to dinner you....
  5. Your favorite kind of weather is...
  6. You witness a car crash on the road you..
  7. Your mom bakes cookies and she tells you they are for the party and you have to wait until then you...
  8. Your favorite dessert is...
  9. Your favorite genre of music is...
  10. Its christmas and your ideal gifts are...
  11. On the last question most people ask if you liked their quiz, but we're not so concerned so whats your favorite color?

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Quiz topic: What Holiday am I?