what hg character r u?

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The topic of this quiz is the hunger games. If you take this quiz, you will be able to see who you most resemble from your personality. The choices are:

Effie, Cinna, Katniss, Prim, Gale, Peeta. There will be questions on friendship, love, hobbies, what you like, where you like, what you would do, and other things like that.

Created by: meerkat48

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Where would you rather be?
  2. What is your worst nightmare?
  3. Where do you live?
  4. Who's your enemy?
  5. Favorite color?
  6. Who do you love?
  7. How involved r u in the hunger games?
  8. Whats your trademark thing?
  9. Dying people what do u do?
  10. What do you do in your free time?

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