What Heroes Of Olympus Character Are You??

This quiz is about are you one of the 7 (plus Nico). All of the characters are different. Some are wild and fun! Others are quiet and collective. Who are you?

Are YOU one of the 7 (plus Nico)? Would you qualify as Percy, Jason, Frank, Leo, Nico, Piper, Annabeth, or Hazel? This quiz will help you figure out who you are and your destiny.

Created by: SalvatoreLover
  1. Favorite Element?
  2. What Do You Like To Do On Free Time?
  3. Thoughts on swimming
  4. Who likes to play chess?
  5. Where do you spend most your time?
  6. What do people think of you as?
  7. Where would you go on a first date?
  8. Favourite video game?
  9. Who's your favourite Diabolik Lovers character??
  10. Who do you think you'll get??

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Quiz topic: What Heroes Of Olympus Character am I??