What Hairstyle Should You Wear to School? (girls)

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This quiz will tell you what hairstyle you should wear for school! These are supper cute hairstyles that can suit everyone. They are super easy and hopefully they help you decide what hairstyle to wear for school.

The reason I made this was because I had trouble choosing what hairstyle to wear to school. I took a couple of quizzes so that I could hopefully decide, they helped me a little bit but non of the choices had something I was going for.

Created by: Haylee
  1. What do you feel like today?
  2. How "popular" are you considered in school?
  3. Do you want to be popular or are you trying to become popular?
  4. What color is your hair?
  5. What shape is your face?
  6. Are you trying to impress someone (like a crush)?
  7. Does your image matter to you?
  8. Do you have a specific look that you are going for? If yes select which one if no hit no.
  9. What do you do on a Saturday?
  10. How long is your hair?

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Quiz topic: What Hairstyle should I Wear to School? (girls)
