what hairstyle are you

well i think u will have a fun time taking this quiz weather u are a boy or a girl haha but i wouldnt take my word for the results this is more of a fun way to spend ur bordom lol so dont sew me if u screw up ur hair haha good luck

lol so l8r u should check out my other quiz called "do u play different u's around different people?" its pretty cool too i guess but this one is pretty amazing i must say lol see ya! ~lots of luv

Created by: emarachel
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are u stuck iin the 70's?
  2. are u.... expirienced with the opposite geender at all? lol
  3. what does your name start with
  4. if u could do one thing right now what would it be?
  5. if u were with a bf/gf right now what would u do?
  6. i say makeup u say...
  7. pig
  8. bakini
  9. sport
  10. car

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Quiz topic: What hairstyle am I