What Greek god or godess is your parent?

This quiz is my first quiz and will tell you who your godly parent might be I hope you like it! It might not be super good but hopefully it will be fun!

Um yah me again, they make me write a second paragraph! Anyway I hope you like this quiz it is my first and I worked super duper hard so yah that is all I have to say, have a good day! ciao!

Created by: floofwolf23
  1. What is your favorite color? (I know, I know I just had to OK!) Please choose one, if your exact shade is not here click the one closest to it.
  2. What is your favorite animal?
  3. What symbol do you like?
  4. Who do you want to get? You may not get them.
  5. So they are making me put mire questions so the following questions do not have to do with the quiz!
  6. How are you?
  7. Would you make up a language?
  8. How old are you?
  9. Do you get bullies?
  10. Last question!: do you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Greek god or godess is my parent?
