What Gega Are You?

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Have you ever wondered what gega is? Well this isn't the quiz for you because this is not the quiz for that. This is the quiz for what gega you are!!!

This quiz will help you determine on what gega you are! This is a totally accurate quiz and it is the best quiz you will ever take in the world and the best quiz you will ever take about gegas and the the only quiz you can take about gegas!!!

Created by: Broca and Brocky
  1. Do you know what Gega is?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. Do you like Lady Gaga?
  4. What letter do you like the most?
  5. What is your favourite food?
  6. What is your favourite animal?
  7. What is you favourite colour?
  8. What is your favourite fruit?
  9. What is your favourite light setting?
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Gega am I?
