What fruit fits you most?

Wanna know what kinda fruit you are? Take the quiz! It’s my first quiz so it’s not the best, I was trying to have fun. I’m kinda waffling a bit now to get the word count

I don’t even know why there’s a word count for the second part it’s so unnecessary. Shocking honestly, I wanted to write waffles over and over but apparently you can’t do that either

Created by: Jimsjams
  1. Now to start simple, what is your favourite colour? (If you like a specific shade just close the colour closest to it)
  2. What weather do you vibe with the most out of these options?
  3. Now what is your preference in drink
  4. Now for smaller simpler questions (I need to make 10)Do you tend to skip breakfast?
  5. Yeah I game up on questions might add more at some point
  6. A
  7. D
  8. Good boy hope you had fun

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