What "Friendship" character are you?

So there's this story about these dorks that I wrote it's really lame. Anyway Dobt you wonder which fork you are? What dork resembles you the most? If not you are pretty weird.....

Just take the stupid quiz please. I will be very happy if you do. I AM SO SORRY ABOUT THE GRAMMER IN THE QUIZ. DO NOT MURDER ME.........................

Created by: Kennedy Copeland
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hi!! How are you doing?
  2. Wow... that's great. Lol. Do you like animals???
  3. Soooo what kind of colors do you like??
  4. Good that. Do you like books?
  5. Interesting. How do you feel about dyed hair?
  6. Do ya like to dance??
  7. What bands do you like?
  8. How do you feel about anime??
  9. How do you feel about hugs??
  10. So here we are at the end... did you have fun with me? *crys lil bit*

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Quiz topic: What "Friendship" character am I?