What friends character are you?

Do you know about the TV show friends? The 6 friends in NY city? Phoebe? Monica? Rachel? Joey? Chandler? Ross? Take The Quiz!! Take the quiz! You know you want to find out! So, take the quiz!!

Well which one are you? Hmm... Tricky. Well try my quiz to find out! Ross, Joey or Chandler? Phoebe, Rachel or Monica? Take The Quiz!! Take the quiz! You know you want to find out! So, take the quiz!!

Created by: Emily

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How would You Describe Your self?
  2. Can you cook?
  3. Do you have a pet?
  4. Which do you prefer?
  5. What are you afraid of?
  6. Whats do you like least about your parents?
  7. Do you have a kid?
  8. Are you childish?
  9. Can you sing?
  10. Do you have a 'talent'?

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Quiz topic: What friends character am I?