What Ford are you?

Hello and welcome to the quiz "What Ford are you?". This quiz is a a great entertainer to see which Ford vehicle you would be! There are 10 questions to fill out!

Just fill in the questions, which are all based off of your own personal answers, and carry on until the end to see your result! You could be mostly like: a Fiesta, a Focus, a Ka or a Mustang!

Created by: Georgia
  1. What is your age?
  2. Out of the colours below, which is your favourite colour?
  3. Are you a slow or fast driver?
  4. Do you prefer 3 door or 5 door cars?
  5. Out of the words below, which one best describes you?
  6. How long have you been driving for?
  7. What type of music do you prefer?
  8. What animal would you be?
  9. Do you tend to travel long or short journeys?
  10. Are you adventurous?

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Quiz topic: What Ford am I?
