What Football Position are you?

This quiz will tell you which football position is meant for you. So if you want to know this information, take the quiz. Answer honestly or it won't be accurate.

Are you a linebacker or a running back? Maybe wide receiver, or even quarterback. There's only one way to know. Thanks to this quiz you will find your football position.

Created by: Ben
  1. Are you fast?
  2. What body type are you?
  3. What are you best at?
  4. How is your eye hand coordination?
  5. Who is your favorite out of these NFL players?
  6. Are you good at throwing?
  7. Are you athletic?
  8. What would you rather do?
  9. This one doesn't count, but what is your favorite team?
  10. This one doesn't count either. What would you rate this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Football Position am I?
