What Fighting Game Play Style Are You?

This quiz will ask you a series of real life questions and scenarios, and based on your choices, will summarize what will personally fit you best as a Fighting Game Competitor.

Please be honest and truthful with your answers and take as much time as needed. Please note that ALL of the questions and answers impact your score in some way.

Created by: 2ndstatus
  1. You're about to play a brand new fighting game you've never played before. What do you do first?
  2. You're at the Character Selection Screen and you see a variety of Characters. Which do you choose?
  3. How long does it usually take you to understand most of a character's play style?
  4. Which would you prefer your character to use as their primary reach of attack?
  5. Who do you HATE playing against?
  6. How many characters do you personally believe a person can "Main". "Main" meaning, using a character as the primary character you use to learn the game and win all of your battles. In short, your "Go-To".
  7. You have a tournament coming up soon and you have a month to train. HOW will you train?
  8. You enter into a tournament. You've practiced with a few characters for a month. Your first match begins and you lose the first round with your best character. Do you switch?
  9. What do you think about Tier Lists?
  10. If you had to choose which Play Style you personally think you belong in, which would it be?

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Quiz topic: What Fighting Game Play Style am I?

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