What fictional charecter are you?

In the world of fiction there is many characters. Have you ever wondered who you would be . Have you ever thought wow this sound ms like me well now you can know WHAT FICTIONAL CHARECTER ARE YOU?

So what fictional charecter are you. Do you have a guess ? Well throw that idea out the window and take this awesome test to find out. So take it now!

Created by: Megan Clements
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you like to do
  2. Favorite color
  3. Favorite animal
  4. Worst fear
  5. Do you believe in Greek myths
  6. Do you have a belly button
  7. Favorite food?
  8. Are you a misfit
  9. Are you an orphan
  10. What's your element

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Quiz topic: What fictional charecter am I?