What family member are you?

There are many people in our family. Are you Paige, Me, Jason, Gammy, Gampy,JoJo, and Kelsey. You need certain traits to be certain people. What does it take?

Which one are YOU? Are you my sister Paige. My younger brother Jason. Me, the middle child. Uncle JoJo. Untie Kelsey. Gammy (gradma) or Gampy (grandpa). (Kelsy and JoJo are not married).

Created by: Paige and Andrew
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
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  3. what is your fave show?
  4. Who is your fave band/ singer
  5. Whats your fave color?
  6. What is your fave activity?
  7. Indoors or Outdoors?
  8. You are ...... fighting
  9. Like the quiz?
  10. Bye!

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Quiz topic: What family member am I?