What element are your zodiacs mostly

This is a quiz to tell you what most of your zodiacs are in the element category note this quiz is just for fun and if you don’t know what one of your zodiacs in the question are look it up.

If the personality does not describe you than whatever your sun or rising sign are might I hope that you like my quiz and comment if you do please !!!

Created by: Charlie
  1. First yes that question age
  2. Second yes that question gender except with more options
  3. Now down to what this quiz is about what is your sun sign
  4. What is your moon sign
  5. What is your mercury sign
  6. What is ur Venus sign
  7. Ur rising sign
  8. And ur Mars sign
  9. Ur vertex sign
  10. Saturn sign?
  11. And your North Node
  12. Last but not least your Part of fortune

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Quiz topic: What element am Ir zodiacs mostly

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