What Draft Horse Breed Are You?

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Ever wondered what draft breed you are? They are very important horses, so it's not surprising, right? They have helped shape many countries, even in Medieval times.

Find out HERE what draft breed you are! You won't be disappointing, I assure you. It only takes a few minutes to find out your true inner draft horse!

Created by: Kayla
  1. You are taken to a draft show. Are you beautiful and polished, or are you hardy and muscled?
  2. The farmer loads up your cart too heavy. How do you react?
  3. A pony comes to the farm. You...
  4. Do you like jingling bells on your harness, or just plain leather?
  5. Do you prefer to have a team of your own breed, or a mixed team?
  6. Are you a bay, chestnut, gray, or black?
  7. Do you have large or small markings?
  8. Do you like plowing or showing?
  9. Do you prefer your stall or pasture?
  10. Are you kind or do you just do your job?

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Quiz topic: What Draft Horse Breed am I?